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Author: Martin Smith

Mentoring & Industry Culture

Why Mentoring?

I strongly believe that mentoring can help a mentee develop into a better technical leader, and it’s also an exercise in leadership for a mentor — you’re sharing your vision and engaged in convincing someone else to go down a particular path. I’ve participated in at least four different mentoring programs during my career; some have had a focus on specific projects, while others are more of a “meet & discuss” model or even one where mentees have a specific goal like getting a job.

Five things I do when arriving in a new place

When arriving in a new place (city or country), or even sometimes before takeoff on a travel day, I have a checklist of things I immediately do. I’ve developed this list over the course of traveling in South America, Europe, and Asia for the last year with Remote Year. Even when I’m not traveling with the group, I pretty much immediately pull up this list and run through the items as soon as I open my laptop in a new place. I figure that other travelers, remote workers, and digital nomads might also find this list useful.

3 Thoughts about Oslo, Norway

When I was in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in March this year, I started looking at conferences and other events happening further along our route for the year. I applied to two or three things, including the first DevOpsDays Oslo, in Norway. A few months later, I received an acceptance email, and began planning a trip in September from Split. This was also my first time using AirBNB, and I was hopeful that it would be a good experience. On all fronts, the trip was enjoyable and a success.